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Monday, April 29, 2024

Summer coming early


 It's not even May yet...and everyone's wearing shorts. Some kids are even starting to get ready for summer vacation while their parents try to deal with the heat.

   What is going on?

     It's almost 90 degrees outside as it is the last days of April. It's as if Summer is coming closer, and closer, and closer.

   It's rare to have summer heat in the springtime, but it happens. It's as if there is no spring or fall. All we have is Winter and Summer.

  Sure, once in a while you get a few hints of Spring weather, but it's rare. It's really rare. Does it mean, that in the future.... Spring and Autumn will cease to exist?

   The call the beginning of May 'May Day'. A day where people celebrate Spring. Not knowing what the temperature will be this week, this would be one 'May Day' not being able to celebrate in the sun.

  Heavy rainfall will soon come as the heat gets more intense. 

   Even famous poems talking about the start of May brings good weather. Well... this year it'll feel like an oven outside, and many won't be able to enjoy it like me. Having heat problems or suffering heat stroke is pretty much a death sentence to certain people. Some May weather would be treated with cool and warm temperatures mixed in. This year, it doesn't feel like we will be getting a cool sensation many desperately need. 

  Beautiful flowers start to bloom in each May. Time to water them. You forget.... they die. The heavy rain will help, but if this Spring weather becomes more like summer weather, how long will the flowers bloom for? Who knows.

  Some years.... we've had normal Mother's Day weather. Some years....it feels more like a Summer holiday than a Spring one. 

   Yes.... Father's Day is known as a summer holiday, but this year, it feels as if both holidays are getting a summer treatment. 

   Every season has its positives and negatives. This year, we feel more of Summer and Winter and less of Spring and Fall. I don't know if this will be happening in the future. But if so... many years from now, Spring and Autumn will become extinct. But.... for now, enjoy Spring....while you still can.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Happy Birthday, Kelly Clarkson


   Nobody knew who she was, but it seems....in 2002 a little show called "American Idol" would change her life drastically in many ways. Today.... it's her birthday, but the question remains.... how did Kelly Clarkson become famous today?

  Born in Fort Worth, Texas in 1982, Kelly Clarkson was just an unknown child back then. She delt with a family divorce where most of her siblings went with different parents while she went with her mother. She was young and decided to get into not only singing but acting as well. Seen in backgrounds for certain tv shows, but no one knew who she was.

   Soon, in 2002, Fox created a new show called 'American Idol: search for a superstar.' I saw it because of all the hype. I think almost everyone did. There were two hosts at the time: Ryan Seacrest and Brian Dunkleman. Ryan stayed while Brian left the series after one season. Kelly wanted to try out as she performed a song by Madonna and the late Etta James. She got the golden ticket and went to Hollywood where her life would forever change.

 Kelly had a few siblings. A sister and brother who were both older than her. Has she been close to either of them? Well....ever since the divorce, her brother stayed with her late father (who she reconciled with before his death) and her sister stayed with their aunt. They are still in touch and are proud of Kelly's career from singing to even hosting a daytime show.

   Kelly, of course, won American Idol and what did it think? I liked her. Still do and am happy she made it that far. I no longer watch American Idol. They have changed judges as well as a lot of other things. I find the show boring now, but I still tune in at the finale to see who wins. I don't care who it is, but it's fun.

   Time has gone by since her American Idol days. Releasing many hit songs like "Behind these hazel eyes", "Breakaway", "Because of you", "Already Gone" and many more. I have almost every one of her songs on my Amazon music account. She even has her own talk show. She always said many singers were influences of her to have a singing career like Aretha Franklin.

  Kelly Clarkson is married and has two children. However, her marriage wasn't always perfect. She filed for divorce with then husband and former manager also given full custody of her two children. She even has been suffering from an autoimmune condition as well as a Thyroid condition. 


   Kelly Clarkson has made a change in her life ever since her audition twenty-two years ago. Now, she's rich has her own talk show, is a mother, going though ups and downs with not only her mental but physical health as well. She is strong, like one of her songs 'Stronger' and she proves that overcoming obstacles, she can still make herself and others smile. Happy Birthday, Kelly Clarkson

Saturday, April 20, 2024

25 years later....Columbine


   In a small town in Colorado, thirteen lives were gone 25 years ago today. April 20th, 1999. A day which changed many lives.

   First off, not many people around the age of fourteen or high school age knew that having a school shooting will happen at their school preemies. Who were the slain?? Why did this happen? Will gun violence ever end?

   Two boys around the same age as the students in Columbine were the two that decided it was best to change the world for the worst.

   Their names were Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris. Who were they? Why did they do this? All I can remember was that day. I didn't know what happened. I was only in 8th grade with this was happening and feared going to high school because of this.

  It was on everywhere in every school. Seeing a dead body of a student laying on the ground near the school, seeing a teacher sacrificing his life to save everyone else. Why did those boys do this? I guess because they were being picked on, were depressed or something was going on with their lives that they thought destroying not only other lives, but changing everyone was the only way to go.

   Because of what they did....13 lives gone in a flash. Every student and one teacher, either died for answering a question the killer asked, or sacrificing their life to protect someone they love. Even a few of the parents that want answers of why wrote memoirs of their slain child. Some have been published, while others, who want answers, have wanted to know...when will gun violence end? 

   It's not just Columbine that wants answers, almost every school that suffered a tragedy from one gunman wants to kill people for no apparent reason. A few years later, a college in Virginia had a tragedy that destroyed everyone's lives. Happening in 2007, when my brother was in college not far from the one that had the tragedy, that had over 33 fatalities.

   Columbine isn't the only school that's had a tragedy. Uvalde, Texas; Newton, Connecticut; Nickle Mines, Pennsylvania. Many schools suffering tragedies. So....why does the Columbine school shooting stick out the more for us? Is it because it's the one that started everything? No....there have been many school shootings that have happened before then. But with this being the 25th Anniversary of the tragedy that shook everyone, it shows that.... anyone can terrify us by killing.

   25 years has gone by. Not much has changed, but we want gun safety to happen soon. Guns kill... and the proof is in most of the school shootings that are still happening. Many people are pissed, so am I as well. We need our children (well not mine but you get the idea) to stay safe. Even the teachers that can be our parents. My mom, thankfully now retired, was teaching first grade when it happened. What do you tell a first grader that there was shooting in another state? You can't.

  How are the survivors of that terrible shooting doing now? All of them have grown up and had their own lives, but they can never forget what happened. Some of them were about to graduate that year.... some did while others were celebrated for their memories. The two school shooters, who killed themselves after the violence stopped.... their memories were not forgotten as well. Having their lives changed, the survivors of that tragedy try to live each day like it would be their last. 

  25 years come and gone. I still have the image of that tragedy that I only saw.... after I was done school. The horror in their eyes as I had no idea what was going on and found out more as my mom watched on. Canceling most of the tv programs to focus on what would be burned in my memory forever. Never forget the fallen thirteen (fifteen if you count the two gunmen, which I don't) Now, many schools are focusing on mental health to find out if everyone is ok. Back then....we weren't, and I don't think we ever will be. Never forget Columbine in Littleton, Colorado.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Tax Day


  It's the dreaded day everyone hates. Well not hates...but if they're late.... they're in trouble. The dreaded Tax Day. Where everyone, who has help from another, have to file every tax on everything for the year. What are taxes anyway? Well...taxes are something you pay so you won't get in trouble with the IRS or the government.

 When Mid-April comes around, a lot of people that working in accounting or anything to do with money, sit at their computers or even desks to jot down their incomes for the year as well as how much they are going to receive as well as how much money will be taken out of their accounts.

  Some people fear the so-called 'tax collector' when that day comes. If they pay their taxes in time, they have nothing to worry about, until next April when they do it all over again. You get money from the government, but you also have to be aware of how much money they will take. Sometimes it's good other times.... not so good. 

   Going to jail for not paying taxes? It could happen, and it will if you forget or even skip a year. You could end up behind bars. It will happen to you even if you are a day late, you will end up facing a judging. Forging taxes is even worse. Some people don't want to pay taxes. They don't have a choice. We do, by getting help from someone who is good with accounting as well as knowing what they are doing. All you have to do is pay.


  It is kind of scary, but the more you learn...the better it becomes. Sometimes you will need help from someone you know; other times, you'll know what you're doing, and it will get better. Before the days of the internet, many people would have to start their taxes even earlier before the dreaded April 15th arrived. Now, many of us are happy to have someone from the internet, or a huge company to help us when we are stuck.

   TurboTax has been a lifesaver for many people. Starting to company around 1984 and going strong to this day, TurboTax helps people unfamiliar with how to do taxes and no one else can help. Knowing what an asset and a liability are. What taxes have to be taken care of, and even finding a way to filing their taxes properly.

   The strange thing is, if you have a birthday on the same day you have to settle your tax income....is that a good thing, or a bad thing? Not knowing myself with not having a birthday in April, I guess for some people born on that day....it can be good or bad, but they would have twice the reason to celebrate their birthday.

  As long as you get your taxes done, you have nothing to worry about. No one will be out to get you, or make you spy on others. Then again...if you don't do your taxes on times.... what will happen to you? All we know is...in Mid-April, many people fear the dreaded Tax Season, and if you are calm and find a way to get it done, you'll be ok...for this year anyway.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

The stars in the sky- POEM



shine bright in the sky,

like dots,

in a dark background,

how they glow bright

like diamonds,

in the night sky,

glowing brilliantly,

as if,

they are meant,

for more,

than just glowing,

in the night sky


each night,

with a little glow,

buttons of light,

a moon that shines through

Looking up,

wishing on stars,

wanting our most desires,

to come true,

do they,

or do they not,

no one knows,

a galaxy,

full of stars,

bright from far away,

as if,

they sparkle,

in the dark beauty,

called night,

The darker it gets,

the bright the glow becomes,

but not as bright,

as a moon glowing,

in the same sky,

as stars

Darker clouds,

surrounding the night sky,


no stars,

no moon,

no brightness,

which darkness needs

stars prodcue,


showing where one goes,

and what sign,


connecting one star,

to another


full of stars,

and not just stars alone,


full of wonder,

with stars connecting,

each galaxy,

we see,

Starry night sky,

from paintings,

to starring up,


and every night,


will always, 

shine brightiest,

at night

Sunday, April 7, 2024

The best of Jackie Chan


  70 years ago in Hong Kong, Chan Kong-Sang was born. We know him best as.... Jackie Chan. Today is his birthday, but we want to look back on a career well spent and what we love about this actor who also.... does his own stunts. The best of Jackie Chan.


 Jackie Chan was born to parents named Charles and Lee-Lee who were both refugees during the Chinese Civil War era. His parents had to change identity many times during Jackie's childhood. After being arrested many times, his Jackie's parents took him to the states to get away from all the horror they had suffered from for many years.

    Jackie's star didn't rise until the 1960's when he starred in small roles before getting his big break. He knew and was trained by Bruce Lee with kung fu moves and starred with him in Fist of Fury in 1972. He did most of his stunts. One stunt almost cost him his life.

 In a movie called "Police Story" the stunt was Jackie Chan sliding down a glass pole smashing into more glass from the ceiling. He injured himself intensely and couldn't anymore stunt work for a couple of months to a year. But... I think people want to know Jackie Chan in American movie roles. There are a few I remember, one being funny and other being a reboot.

  Around the 90's Jackie Chan was seen as a man you want to be a friend and not an enemy too. Being trained under Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan's stunt fighting is well known as being amazing. In 1998, Jackie Chan was going to hit it big. In a buddy cop movie 'which there were many of as the time' called Rush Hour. Starring an unknown Chris Tucker.

  Rush Hour had four movies (one coming soon this year) The first one I remember the most. It involved a young girls' kidnapping and that she is related to a diplomat Jackie Chan's character knows. Chris Tucker is his partner and there were some funny moments. Jackie Chan did most of his stunts in this movie as well as the other two, which didn't do a great as the first.

 Jackie Chan even had a cartoon series that was pretty good. He voiced the main lead as he has a niece, and they go on these amazing adventures to find spirits, magical forces and much more. There were interesting voice actors like Lucy Liu, George Takai and many more. It lasted a couple of seasons, and after the show ended, Jackie Chan would read a letter from a fan. It was enjoyable and I did watch a couple of episodes.

 In 2010, Jackie Chan starred as Mr. Miyagi in a Karate Kid remake. What did I think of it? Not great but compared to the other movies he was in like 'Shanghai Noon', 'The Tuxedo', 'Around the world in 80 days', this is more a step up.

 It's the same formula except for one difference. They aren't studying Karate, but 'Kung Fu'. A young Jalen Smith is in it and well.... it's a hit and miss for me.

   Recently found out that Jackie Chan and Ralph Macchio (who used to be Daniel San in the original Karate kid movie) are doing a collaboration together. Since Cobra Kai is ending, it seems Chan and Macchio are doing a new movie finding the next Karate Kid. What do I think? I just found out about it, and I'm amazed. I'm enjoying Cobra Kai and I'm already on the final season. Seeing Ralph with Jackie Chan....awesome.

  Jackie Chan doesn't do many of his own stunts anymore, but he's still active. Also, collaborating with Chris Tucker on a 4th Rush Hour movie. I think it's going to be a comic book style cartoon movie, so I think their voices will be heard. Not sure. Jackie Chan has been here for seventy years, and he has not stopped. 

  He may not be the best Mr. Miyagi, but in the new Karate Kid, he might be the next one. I still think Pat Morita is better. Till then, Happy birthday to Jackie Chan.