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Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halowee!!! (is Hallowee really scary)

   Sometimes I thik how scary ad terrifyig is Hallowee? From the costumes to the movies ad the masks. 

   How scary ca is get? Whe I saw "Psycho" I did't eve wat to get i the shower let alone a pool of water after seeing the first "Jaws" movie. But now, seeing the remakes of theose movies, not that scary as I thougt it would be.

  Movies that are creepy (or trying to be creepy now a days) welll they aren't as scary as I thought they would be.  And people trying to make a buck by showing their house being "Paranormal" I don't know if that's really true but I know for a fact that if it really happened, that would scare someone to death.

    The first time they showed the "Exrocist" a lot of people had heart attacks in the theater, and they were scared. And it is played every Halloween night in movie theaters just for a scare. Peole like to be scared on Halloween because they like a thrill and to feel as if they want to be scared. 

  Wearing costumes now a days, well back them, they were scary like a zombie and a vampire and the devil, but now (although zombies are popularr) you get a lot of disney style costumes from their movies most riecently "Frozen That movies is very popular now a days and they even have sexy costumes for girls and guys and that might be a bit too much these days.

     I don't Halloween has lost it's s"Scare" value but I know that itn't as creepy as it use to be. Believe me. Carving pumpkins never grows old with age as well as dressing up and having candy late at night and going to spooky parties. Halloween will never die, but it will lose some of it's scare value one way or another.

   HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Ciao Bloggers!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thank goodnrss I don't eat Chef Boyardee

    First off, Chef Ector Boyardi is a real person, and he use to have a restaurant that made wonderul pasta in Ohio. One day someone told Boyardi to can some of his food and go into business selling his pasta for his customers who couldn't make it to his restaurant.

   He's no longer with us, but the food and annoying jingles are still there. They have dishes that arrange from Beefaroni to spaghetti to beef ravioli. He also was the person who is on the face of the can of every chef boy-ar-dee product you buy. But I cant purchase it anymore since it is loaded with so much sodium. But it claims to be a healthy product for it's target audience, kids.

     If he were alive today, I don't know if Ector Boyardi would approve of any of the annoying commercials that target kids. They're becoming close to those annoying kraft macaroni and cheese commercials wihere kids are the target audience. OK that's fine but do they have to be annoying or creepy in the cmmercials.

  Some people, even grown ups, still don't know that Chef Ector Boyardi was a real person. They think he is like Betty Crocker, fake! But he was 100% real. HIs nephew told much o the story of his life and his work and his success in making pasta and canning it. I use to eat the beefaroni, and even though they didn't make them (I also enjoyed spaghettios) Now, I don't care for any of them, too salty and full of fat, even if they are trying to be healthy.

  Enjoy eating canned pasta, and remember Chef Boyardee was real, like Johnny Appleseed. Till then, Manja! ciao bloggers

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

too close to christmas... I SWEAR 2 GOD!!!!!

    There is so much Christmas crap everywhere, and it's not even Halloween yet.

 I swear next year we'll be seeing Christmas stuff in the middle of summer. I can't even go in a Hallmark store or a Costco without seeing Christmas decorations everywhere it is sad.

   Thanksgiving doesn't have a room to breath now neither does Halloween? This is just sad. I just want to now how much longer will it go on. By Spring time I bet we'll see a christmas commercial.

  Don't want to go there, but it seems Christmas is starting to come closer and closer to there. It's time, and I hate to admit that, the Christmas celebration is upon us and I know that I'm not the only one witht a birthday in December.

  30, I can't believe I am almost that age as December creeps closer and closer and closer and Thursday starts Scorpio. Halloween will come and go and so will Thanksgiving and it will just be in a blink of an eye, Till then enjoy it while you can. Ciao bloggers

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Columbus Day

    It's almost Halloween, but there is another holiday that some people forget about. Coulbus Day. The day where Columbus found America by mistake while finding a passage way to India.

   Amazing that he found a new land while finding completely diffeerent. It's also Canadian Thanksgiving in Canada. Lincoln decided to make Thanksgiving on the fourth thursday of november and the second monday in october in Canada.

  Halloween is upon us as well. I don't care for it too much, but knowing that kids want candy so much that they will go to other people's houses, ring on the doorbell and scare them half to death with costumes that can scare them, as well as scare me, at least this year I will be somewhere far away from kids and well... I'll still get candy. But I fear that autumn is coming to an end sooner than later, I just know Thanksgiving will be here soon.

I dread it. Columbus day is here and we remember why he accidentally discovered america. and now, Halloween will be next. Till then, Happy Coulumbus Day. Ciao Bloggers for now!

Friday, October 3, 2014

hidden tanents

     We all have a little secret in us that makes us unique.

  So many of us have it. Mine well, I have too, being a fast typer is one of them while the other is I can remember celebrity birthdays and speaking of celebrities... I figured out some of their hidden talents as well.

    Paul McCartney is a great painter as well as a singer, Matthew Perry is a well known tennis player in his spare time. Lucy Liu is fabulous at the accordian and Susan Surandon is a well known Ping Pong player.

 Steve Martin is fabulous on the banjo and Conan O'Brien took tapping lessons when he was young Jason Lee can skateboard and Harrison Ford (along with John Travolta) can fly a plane.

   I figured out my own talent on knowing celebrity birthdays because I love astrology along with have aspberger's syndrome, but it's also a gift and talent along with taking many type writing classes when I was in middle and high school. Being a fast typer is a gift as well as a great writer but my secret talent and best knowing which celebrity has a birthday on what day and that can scare some people. I don't mind that at all. I like it and I know that's one hidden talent I want to keep with me forever, along with being a fast typer. Cio Bloggers!