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Friday, April 25, 2014

I HAD A PONY!!!! Pony remark episode

  Why am I blogging about another Seinfeld episode? Because this one is hilarious. You are introduces to Uncle Leo of course, but even Jerry Seinfeld's entire family (his dad was played by a different actress in an earlier episode) and is now replaced with the late Barny Martin who loves to talk about how he created the beltless trench coat.

    Krammer wants to create levels in his house, althought Jerry doesn't believe that would never happen and bets Krammer that he would never do it. Jerry automatically wins the bet.

     Jerry, with Elaine, are invited his mother's cousin's 50th wedding anniversary dinner and as predicated, he ends up sitting next to Uncle Leo who ends up talking about nothing but Jerry's cousin Jeffery. Why?? Why is he so obsesses about a cousin we never see in the series? He works for the parks department for crying out loud. Eventually the conversation goes to horses and ponies and Elaine says that she didn't care for kids who had ponies. Jerry agreed stating that he hated anybody who had a pony growing up. Soon Manya, the cousin who is having the 50th wedding anniversary says "I HAD A PONY!!!!" Which makes everyone in the room go silent.

    That part makes me laugh all the time. She exclaims that everyone growing up had a pony when she was growing up in Poland. She gets upset and leaves the dinner table. Her husband says it has been an emotional day for her. The next day, Jerry gets a call as his parents leave and he shouts out, "Manya died!" In disbelief, Jerry's mom thinks that it could have been the remark that killed her, and the funeral is set on the same day of Jerry's supposed baseball game, and feels obligated that he should go because he might have killed her. I don't know if he did, but just thinking about the spirit world and him thinking Manya is waiting in the background of a funeral home, well that's just stupid.

   If you died would your spirit want to hang out in a funeral home. Mine would venture into another world or somewhere that you would only dream of, but nope. Elaine thinks Manya's spirit won't travel anywhere but to a funeral home. LOL. {BTW at the funereal home, they mention the pony again}
   But the truth of why Manya was upset wasn't because of Jerry's remark, it was becks of the potato salad. I guess worrying about potato salads can kill. And Elaine doesn't get their apartment, it goes to cousin Jeffrey.

  I think that sometimes, we can believe in stupid stuff, silly stuff or the unknown, and being a spirit after death, well for some people it seems far fetch for others, they really believe. I believe in spirits true, but after I die, I don't wanna hang out at a funeral home getting even at a person who made a remark about ponies that would get me angry, but karma, that's what I believe in and that is what happened to Jerry at the end.

    This episode is very funny, like the Chinese Restaurant episode it;s an early one, and I love it. Seinfeld is a show that will never die out for me and I love it. Till then, believe in the spirit world, and be careful what you say to a cranky old lady, because karma can come back to haunt you, till then Ciao Bloggers

Monday, April 7, 2014

Movie legend gone

Shirley Teple,
Sid Ceasar,
Elizabeth Taylor...

     What do they all have in common? They were great stars, llegends. Now gone... and noe: Mickey Rooney..

   I'm in tears, I didn't idolize him or anything like that, but we just lost a comedian recently and now him????

    Believe me heaven found a great comedian and actor tonight. Lasting almost nine decades of his life in movies and tv. Staring with the three greats I just listed and it hurts to know there aren't many great talents left on earth to give us what Rooney had. Hilarity. He was special he had a sort of characteristic you wouldn't find in other comedians, and he went through hard times in his life to get to where he was. He almost tried to kill himself before landing it big, and even again after his late wife died, but he remarried.

  He was an amazing talent that you can only find in old movies like "Breakfast at Tiffany's" or "It's  a Mad, Mad, Mad world" that was a great movie and he made it funny, and he will be truly missed, but at least heaven will gain more laughter as the world loses another great like we did with Johnathan Winters last year. This is one year that will not have hilarity once we remember a piece of movie history has died yesterday but Rooney will always be remembered as one funny man, who suffered through more than just laughter. RIP Rooney. The lights will dim tonight in LA for you. Till then Ciao Bloggers! RiP Rooney.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

sandwiches galore

    Everyone loves sandwiches. Admit it, you're thinking about having one right now. When you were little, you had a PB&J or a bologna sandwich when you were young. When you get older,  your taste of sandwiches seem to change, like having a Reuben or a famous grilled cheese that is crazy with cheese, or a Philly cheese steak.

    There are so many sandwiches to choose. They even have a Dagwood sandwich, one hell of a tall sandwich; try to eat that with one bite if you can. Primanti Bros in Pittsburgh have french fries and coleslaw in their sandwiches. I can't say anything negative on that if I haven't tried it.

   The history of the first sandwich started when the Earl of sandwiches was in the middle of a card game; was hungry and didn't wanna stop playing. So he asked for some meat between two slices of bread. Since then the sandwich was born and food history was made. 
   There so many different sandwiches all over the world, the most famous being a classic hoagie ( or girnder, po boy) whatever you wanna call it where ever you live. So many places have their version on the perfect sandwich (hoagie whatever you wanna call it) Jersey Mike's has their version and they have used the same ingredients and bread since they've opened on the boardwalk.

  A french butcher named Phileppe made an accident with his sandwich but it  was about to become a famous phenomenon in the sandwich industry, a "French dip" as they called it. Everybody loved them; you can dip the  roll or the whole sandwich in the juices. 

   I on the other hand love grilled cheese, but not with American cheese like a classic Kraft Singles slices, you don't see many of those anymore (unless you make them at home) I like using stretchy cheeses like asiago or mozzarella (mostly asiago) and Cheddar cheese of course. Bread depending, must be whole wheat of course, not that wonder bread. But there is a restaurant (I think in NYC) that serves only PB&J {No thanks to Kramer's idea} and they mostly use wonder bread and a lot people love it. 

   I love to use JIF peanut butter, but they have their own brand of peanut butter. They have made creamy, chunky even chocolate flavored. That is so cool. 

  Sandwiches will always evolve and there will always be different ways to create a different sandwich that might one day make food history. For me a great grilled cheese with Cheddar and asiago will do for me and I will enjoy it as well you didn't end up getting hungry, or making a sandwich while reading this. Till then, watch as food will still evolve into something new year by year and enjoy what you create food wise of course. Till then, ciao bloggers and Mangia