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Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Moon Landing 1969

      I was not born in the late 60's so I was not blessed with not knowing two great American Hero's setting foot on the moon for the first time almost 43 years ago. I bet to some people, seeing the moon landing was one of the most wonderful things anyone has ever seen in their lives.

  Sadly, yesterday, we lost one of the greats. Neil Armstrong had passed away from a heart surgery. He, along with Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins (although he was never mentioned much), were on Apollo 11 to the Moon on July 28th 1969. My cousin was only a month old when this was happening and believe me, this was one happy memory for him. 

  Everyone was glued to their TV's, radios, wanting to hear every little detail on what was happening on Apollo 11. Also when Neil Armstrong setting foot on that moon and quoting: "That's one small step for a man, One giant leap for Mankind" 

 That one simple quote changed on how feel differently about the Moon. For years many kids wanting to be astronauts wanted to venture to the moon, seeing what it's like to set foot on that moon. Neil experienced that, he knew what it's like. He wants other to do the same. For kids, they just wanted to be an astronaut, wanting to set foot on the moon,(some kids thought the moon was made of cheese).
  He was the first, Buzz was the second. Many other Astronauts want to follow in Neil Armstrong's footsteps. Some people feel that the moon landing was a fake. For those people, they should check their research before spreading rumors like that. Because the moon landing is 100% real. 

 I wasn't there when it happened, but believe me if I was, I would be in tears like Walter Cronkite was when he was giving the news 43 years ago after hearing Neil Armstrong's speech. 

 Now Neil Armstrong can travel though the stars as he reaches the heavens and we will all miss him and the ironic thing is, he didn't really like being called a hero. Ciao Bloggers! "THAT'S ONE SMALL STEP FOR A MAN, ONE GIANT LEAP FOR MANKIND."- Neil Armstrong (1930-2012)  

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Titanic Movie: The Good, The Sad and The Depressing

   Now everyone knows the famous 1997 version of Titanic with Leonardo Di Caprio and Kate Winslet in love with each other than knowing that love is stronger than any iceberg would keep them apart even though he dies.

   Well some people like it, others hate it, and others love it. I LOVE IT!!! I however don't like Leonardo Di Caprio and I really didn't cry much when he died and sank in the water like my mom did, but i just loved how much of the history and accuracy they added in it. I don't know if it was 100% accurate but they did manage to get most of the historic accuracy of the passengers that survived and died when Titanic sank on April 15th 1912, and I cannot believe it has been 100 years since that happened.

    There were very good actors that portrayed actual people that were on the Titanic such as 'Molly' Brown portrayed by Kathy Bates (who did a wonderful job in my opinion), Thomas Andrews [who died on the ship] portrayed by Victor Gambor, Captain John Smith [who also died on the ship] was portrayed by Bernard Hill. There is many Historical characters in the movie, some that passed away on the ship and some that survived. 

   But the main story wasn't just about Titanic and it's last maiden voyage, but about two lovers. Rose and Jack. And we all know how it went. He's poor, she's rich, She's engaged, he doesn't care, because deep down inside, he knew she doesn't like the rich life, I mean she did try to kill herself because of it all. Her mother hated Jack. She wanted her to stay with Cal (played by the cute and sexy Billy Zane) [why do I always fine the bad guys hot?] mostly because of their money troubles and that he was rich. But love, to her, was more powerful than anything, even the heart of the ocean, worn around her neck wasn't enough to tempt her to stay with Cal. 

  TTYTT: Matthew McHonahay was going to be Jack but had a scheduling problems at the time and couldn't do it (THANK U GOD) Many actors were on for the role of Cal before Billy Zane got the part such as Rupert Evert or Pierce "007" Brosnan or even Rob Lowe- now that would have been interesting.

The old lady, portrayed by the late Gloria Stuart, was the only actress who had experienced the Titanic in real life since she was only a year old when it happened. She plays Old Rose who tells the whole story as if it happened only yesterday. They said it brought horrid memories into Gloria Stuart and she didn't like it one bit. 

    The movie is over three to four hours long, I could handle that, because it feels as if the story is going by so fat and you see when the movie ends how long it has been once you check your watch.

   At the end she's asleep and I didn't understand the scene at the end where there are a bunch of people at the end.   Well the ending is both wonderful and sad. It seems her shadow is wondering through the remains of the ship and she gets to a door where it opens and all the 1,500 souls that were lost when Titanic sank are there greeting her, she is still walking she finally meets Jack at the top of the stairs. He is waiting for her, and she is young Kate Winslet again. That scene makes me tear, because if she dies of it is a dream or what. It is all up to the audience's point of view and what think happened at the end, but before all that, the old Gloria Stuart, god rest her soul, walks to the side of a ship and drops the heart of the ocean necklace into the sea where it belongs.

      If you haven't seen this movie, GO SEE IT! It is wonderful James Cameron work. So beautiful, and yes even the song "My Heart will go on" will be irritating at times, but you hear it while watching this movie, it's worth it, and do not (and yes they do exist) get the cartoon movie versions of Titanic. You will regret it if you do.  
    I'm not a big fan of Leonardo Di Caprio and I did not cry when he died at the end. If another blonde (not Matthew McHonahay) took his part ( like Matt Damon) took his part, I would have cried. He's a great actor, I just didn't care for him in this role but it did make him and Kate Winslet super stars.  Caio Bloggers!!! MY HEART WILL GO ON!!!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Does it feel as if summer's ending too quickly????

    It's not even the end of summer yet (and it's not even the end of August yet as well), and I've seen Halloween stuff up already. Not a lot of it. Mostly candy wise.

   Peeps marshmallows already has out the ghost and pumpkins, and m&m's has the autumn candy out along with a new candy corn color white chocolate flavored m&m. Hershey's kisses has their autumn foil wraps already taken care of as well. 

 Is it me or is it just when I blink Summer just dispersed from our eyes. The Summer Olympics ended already. Came as if a bolt lightning struck and left us already. 

All the kids now are either happy, or depressed to get ready to go back to school. I just can't stand those stupid back to school commercials Target and Kmart and JCPenny have given us lately, just nonsense is what it is.

   Seeing the end of summer go is hard for some people, but it hasn't happened yet. It's only the middle of August, but it just feels like it has been the end of a season as Autumn comes around the corner. My birthday is around Autumn, but not till the end of it, but right now let's enjoy what we have left of the summer. 
     Because before you know it, Autumn will come and go as well. 

Caio bloggers, enjoy summer while u still can and congratulations to USA for winning the most gold medals! 

Monday, August 6, 2012

My own famous quotes and opinions of my own

    I see many famous quotes go by that get published and said out such as, "Speak softly, and carry and carry a big stick" "A penny saved is a penny is a penny earned" "What is today but yesterday's tomorrow." and many more.

 There are so many famous quotes said by famous celebrities, historians, presidents, what not. But I have some of my own sayings that I would like to write about. But some people have had their quotes said and they never had their thanks in saying it. 

 For instance, Maybe Ben Franklin really never coined the phrase: "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security, will deserve neither and lose both." Maybe someone else said it and he made it famous.  We never know who starts up these opinions or quotes that become famous. I have my own quotes that I don't know will become famous one day, but I would like some people to know, I have an opinion.

"To cherish and remember are two different things. Remembering something you love is equily important with cherishing the love you have with the person you love."

"They say a man can only be only feel human when you see him cry for the first time."

"Being wrong or right is not a choice, it just shows we are human, and can correct the mistakes we make in life."

"When you find the right person you love, and cherish, you'll hear a choir of angels sing in the background."

"Feeling pain doesn't have to hurt. Words hurts worse than any needle would."

I have a lot of quotes and opinions that I like to post day by day.  Not all the time though, but going on line lately, I've seen interesting quotes about pain, sorrow, even funny quotes as well. I have some funny quotes.  Here's one:

"Once you see something green on the hard wood floor, you know the party is over." 
  It just comes to me like that sometimes, even stories to. One of my stories has quotes in it.
    One of these quotes is where a woman trapped in a book with the help of the Black Knight who never talks but gives out advice as if he was a fortune cookie one was: "Have Faith in yourself. Things will turn out great. You've already made a friend, me. I might not talk much, but I indeed listen. Don't be afraid. I'll be here with you no matter what." 

It just seems sometimes quotes can be uplifting, hurtful or even funny, you just have to find the one that can change everything. One quote can make a day good, bad or even special. And that's opinion. Ciao Bloggers.