It seems the best sales for Christmas gifts are at that hour. So why do people keep killing themselves every time they want a good bargain?
People would get a great toy like "Tickle me Elmo" or "Cabbage patch kids"
So many people hurting one another for toys that kids won't likely be playing with that much. Even clothing, or electronics. People just want to stay up late at night, wait in line and eventually lose a lot of money, thinking there are sales that will be good.
I'm not one them. Why? because I'm not going to get myself killed and maybe wait a while, a long while the crowds die down.
It seems silly, but I think spending time with family not eating a crap ton food just because they want to be the first ones in line in a cold autumn night, just for sales that they can wait for the next day. I feel sorry for department stores because of this.
They do get more money out of it but, I don't feel that it is really worth it at all. I work right before Thanksgiving, because that is when it gets busy.
Target, Toys R Us, Walmart, Khloe's they open their doors late at night till early morning for people to just stand outside and wait for the doors to open.
Some people don't even celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of November. They just want the thrill of standing outside, waiting for the door to open and even passing turkey, gravy and more while they wait in line.
If people do want to be in a mall the day after Thanksgiving, I applaud them for taking risks, waiting out in the cold, and even trying to forgo Thanksgiving dinners.
Before you know it, Cyber Monday will be appun us.
Ciao Bloggers and Happy Black Friday