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Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Colors: Your Favorite can determine who you are


   Colors, they are beautiful to look at, but you would never know the true feelings colors can bring to you.

       In another term, colors bring out sadness or joy or even fear. Different colors have different meanings and the ten colors that are seen most, show the most of how you feel 

   Blue is a color that shows many things. Sometimes things that are calming and other times...sadness. With the calming effect of blue, it means that things seem more at peace like a beautiful blue sky. Our eyes can be blue, as well as animals and food.

   Characters in a tv show or movie can be blue. From the Smurfs to Sonic the hedgehog. Does it mean the characters have a calming effect on us? I don't think so. Blue is considered an interesting yet at other times they can be depressing or sad like Sadness in Inside Out.

    Do I like the color blue? Yes. I have blue eyes that shine bright every time I wear something blue. I don't get sad a lot, but I don't think it resembles just sadness. It can resemble calmness after a storm. It even resembles trust, peace and even at times honesty. The affects you feel with blue is a calm effect that not only relaxation as well as supportless. Blue is equally calming yet sad in every emotion you feel and represented by a blue color.

  Green is an interesting color. Sometimes it could be bad or disgusting. How? Well Green does give us envy and disgust as we think of foods that colored green. Spinach anchovy, leek and many vegetables are green. Does it mean they're all disgusting? No, they aren't.

   Many characters are colored green like Mikey from Monsters Inc, Shego from Kim Possible, Shrek, The Green Giant, The Hulk and many more. Not all have jealousy, but some do show anger at times. Green can also mean envy as well as sickness.

  Green isn't gross or envy in many people. Some people see green as money, wealth and good fortune. I don't mind green. I feel it's a calming color. Not as calming as blue, but still a color that is considered interesting in its own way.

    Black, the color of darkness, scary and eerie presence of death. Black can mean many things, and it's not just in certain people's hair, or skin. Black has other means, mostly grim but it seems black has many roles than just sadness.

        Burnt food, charcoal, the darkness, and much more. Blackness is when you close your eyes and see in your sleep before you dream. The black is the darkness you see in the woods when there is no moonlight or stars shining above.

   Black is considered a mysterious color where no light is shown through. A color that shows strength and depression. The feeling black is the feeling of the end, where this the last stop before we're gone. Mysterious as it is, black is one color you can never escape from.

   Does brown have anything good or bad in it? Yes, it is the same color as our feces and chocolate. So, there is a positive and a negative side for anything colored brown. Brown gives us a toasted bread for the breakfast we eat. Brown is the dirt we dig, but what is the true mystery of brown?


   Certain foods are brown from chocolate to drinks like coffee. Brown can be happy yet disgusting, and with people eating things that are brown, it could make them happy or sick. Brown can also give us different meanings besides the foods we eat.

   The color brown can mean strength yet poor, dirty as well. The color eyes and hair doesn't represent the person inside. If you love the color brown, there might be different reasonings from ruggedness and strength to poor and sad. Who knows anyway? I don't mind the color brown, but mostly in food form.

    Orange, pretty and bright. Giving us the start of fall or helping us on the road. What is orange? It can't just be the name of a fruit. Orange is much more than just food wise. It could be a color of a certain cartoon character, food and even other things.

  Some certain foods are orange. And not just the fruit itself; there is cheese, fruitsicles, even carrots are considered an orange color. What does it mean? Does orange give us the strength or is it a confusing color that we just wonder where it came from.

  Orange gives us warmth as well as excitement. Seeing jack-o-lanterns on the front porch. The warmth of a fire roaring in the backyard and much more. It gives us creativity that sparks like an orange glow. Orange helps us stimulate our creativity in many ways. I don't mind orange, it's an ok color.

   The brightness of yellow. The color of the sun and much more. But does it really represent joy and happiness or is there something else hiding behind this color? Sure, Yellow seems to be a happy color, but there has to be something behind it.

    There are certain foods that are colored yellow like a banana or a pineapple. A yellow pepper and even squash. Some yellow foods are considered healthy in vitamins, but other times, there are some yellow foods that are considered...not healthy.

   Even certain cartoon characters from The Simpsons to Minions are yellow because they are eye catching to the viewer. Yellow is supposed to make people happy, isn't it?

   Yellow has an interesting meaning behind it. If you love this color, you're more cautious to certain things. Yes, you are happy, but does it mean you are more aware than others. You are more energized than before and seem to find more joy into life.

  A villain's favorite color. Blood, death or is it something else? Red can be anything from anger to scary. Red is shown in different ways. Sometimes red can be sexy and fiery while other times it can be deadly and scary.

    Certain foods have the color red from a red delicious apple to a succulent strawberry. Red can be a joyous color and a dangerous color. Eating tomatoes can be good, yet the acid reflex makes it bad. Raspberries, cherry and even a radish are red. 

 If you love the color red, then you love excitement. Yet at times, you fear the unstoppable. You crave the sexiness that has a hold on you as well as feeling frisky. But sometimes, people that love red are cautious to what would happen next. Excitement and adventure are in them, but it seems the thrill of the color red can spark jealousy and revenge in them.

   Prince loved purple, many people adore the color and with this being the last color to talk about, it seems this color can be considered magical. How and why? Well think about it...purple is more of a color that seems to show it is not afraid of a change.

    Having a purple eye color is very rare and not many people have it. Elizabeth Taylor did, but many others. Purple has an interesting feeling. If you love the color, you love life. Certain foods have that color from eggplant to grape. But what is the true meaning of the color purple?

    People that love purple show wisdom in their strength. They even show fear at times but deep down, people feel that purple is the most mysterious color out of any color in the rainbow. Does purple show pride? Yeah, almost all the colors do.


    I know I didn't go through all the colors, but there are too many to list. Each color has its own psychological meaning, and many people feel one color isn't enough, so they would pick more than just one. What are my favorite colors? well, I used to love red. I changed to blue, which I still love today. I also love purple as well as black. Others choose whatever color they want. The meaning of the color will always be there, but it doesn't mean we are like the color. We are all a rainbow of different choices.

Friday, January 21, 2022

We'll Miss You-Betty White-Poem


We thought you could live forever,

one last golden girl,

sent to heaven

before turning 100

 Betty White had an amazing carreer,

spanning almost 80 decades,

of laughter,


and happiness

Starting young,

from radio to tv,

making people laugh,

was what she was meant to do,

known to make us laugh,

when we needed most,

married to Allen Ludden,

a gameshow host

Never had kids,

but had a happy married life,

when his ended,

she never,

married again,

We think of her,

as a funny roommate,

our grandmother,

and much more,

making us laugh,

from Golden Girls,

to Hot in Cleveland

Was always there for animals,

loved every living creature,

donated money,

for every,

animal charity

Gone too soon,

we still think,

almost 100,

but died at the end of last year

We make every January 17th,

a celebration of her life,

turning 100 in hear,

never aging in Heaven

Tributes pouring out,

from everyone who knew her,

from animals,

to humans,

to Ryan Reynolds

Now all four Golden girls are in Heaven,

back together again,

still watch them on tv,

as if they were here,

making me laugh,

like they did when it aired,


and years ago

Everyone misses you,

me too,

there was no one amazing,

no one,

like you

Betty White (1922-2021)

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Celebrities impersonating other celebrities


   Everyone can do a good impression whether it's of a family member or a celebrity, but have you ever heard of a celebrity impression? Celebrates impersonating celebrities is interesting and here are a few.


   Benedict Cumberbatch is a really good actor, playing Dr. Strange, Dr. Who and many more, but he's also a good Alan Rickman impersonator. He showed us his chops in a night show in England. It was pretty spot on.

   Adam Levine is a pretty good singer. Used to be in a band called Maroon five until he went on his own. He's even good a impersonating Michael Jackson which he did in Jimmy Fallon. Spon on. 

   Simon Helberg is known as Howard on the Big Bang Theory. He is amazing at doing celebrity impersonations. Like Nicolas Cage, Christopher Walken and a few others. He's even done some on the Big Bang Theory as well as on night shows. They are just amazing. Simon does more impersonations, but his Nicolas Cage and Christopher Walken are considered the most memorable.


 Christina Agulara is a pretty good singer, but who knew she can do a good singing impression of Britney Spears? Watch the Jimmy Fallon show to see her do a Britney Spears singing voice. 

  Matt Damon is very good at doing impressions like Matthew McConahay for one. Being a guest on SNL, they did a skit where Matt did an amazing Matthew McConahay impersonation. Forgot the skit, but it was worth the watch. Good job, Matt

   Seth Macfarlane, the man who gave us Family Guy, American Dad and Ted, can do great impersonations. His best comes with his singing. Doing an amazing singing impersonation of Frank Sinatra. Using that voice for Sing and a few Family Guy episodes as well.

  Mark Hamill is amazing as the Joker, Luke and many other characters. He even did a great impression of Harrison Ford on Jimmy Kimmel (or was it Jimmy Fallon? I forget) Doing a great interpretation of him that even impressed Harrison Ford who heard it weeks later.

  Hearing a celebrity impersonate one another it's pretty interesting, even amazing at times, I can do a few celebrity impersonations, but I can also do amazing voices of certain cartoon characters. Some people have that certain gift of impersonating another. You just have to go online and see for yourself.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

How Far has Family Guy gone


    Knowing this show has been on the air for over 20 years, you can end up pissing off a few people. How? Well, going too far with some of their jokes is one thing. Other times, they would go too far with some of the episodes involving abortion, or sex change or even domestic dispute.

  Some jokes involve into humor that seems somewhat harsh and disgusting. One cutaway (which this show does often) involved a new Bill Cosby show with all the women drugged. This is after what happened after he was accused of asulting women and drugging them. 

    Other times, they would go too far as to mention 9/11. Seth MacFarlane did survive it, but some people have families that didn't. I am one of them. Losing a second cousin that I have never met in one of the towers. Most of the jokes don't seem very fresh. I know this show is meant for adult humor, but sometimes they don't know how far they go.

    Even I mentioned before with one of my least favorite episodes being a domestic violence episode involving Quagmire's sister. Quagmire, Peter, Joe and Cleveland decide to kill her abusive boyfriend. Domestic abuse in any relationship isn't meant to be taken as a joke and the way this show showed it, well....it was pretty disgusting

   They even banned a few episodes for being too harsh for viewers. Before being cancelled the first time, they pulled an episode called "when you wish upon a Weinstein" Which involved Peter trying to find a Jewish man to help with their money problems, and even make Chris smart. They even go as far to mock the Jewish religion (Ironically the voice actor of Chris, Seth Green, is Jewish in real life)

   Even to the way they treat Meg. In earlier seasons, she was just a teenage girl going through the challenges of life. In later episodes, they kind of treat her horrible. Throwing her off a boat, or Peter always farting in her face. Just stuff that would piss anyone off that had a teenage child. Even though it's just for fun, they've been a little too hard on her.

  Some jokes do go far when it comes to severe illnesses. Like when Michael J. Fox had Parkinson's, they did throw a few jokes at his expense and well...they weren't funny. They were somewhat hurtful. I lost a grandfather who had not only Alzheimer's but Parkinson's as well.

   Another banned episode was not even seen on TV at all. It was about a few friends of Lôis' that were trying to start a family. Lois becomes a sergeant mother to the family. Sadly, they die in a car accident and Lois wonder if she should have an abortion or keep the child. I think you know where this episode is going. Not seen at all. At the end, they have the abortion. 

  Even earlier seasons had problems. Like in the first one, Joe becomes the new character in the show. He's a cop and after all sorts of insane stuff happens where Brian and Peter end up in a hostage situation, a gun is shot off while a kid is holding a JFK Pez dispenser. Well...the bullet hits JFK and you get where I'm going from there.

   Some Family Guy jokes can be considered very unfunny episodes. Some countries have banned many episodes of Family Guy for being too much. I don't blame them. I stopped watching recent episodes although I do watch a few here and there.

   Even Barbershop Quartets aren't safe in the Family Guy universe. Peter used to be in one to cheer patients in hospitals by telling them they have AIDS or getting a vasectomy. I don't know who wrote those jokes, but I hope they got fired. Doubt it.

 By season three, Family Guy added a new character named Herbert the Pervert. You heard that write. Voiced by the same guy who used to voice Cleveland (not voicing him anymore) Herbert who was the guy who had a *you know what* for Chris Griffin. He becomes friends with him, or any other young little boy.

   Remember a young woman named Terri Schivo? The woman who was in a coma for many years and there were people thinking about what to do for her? Well, that was years ago, but after she died, Family Guy decided to write an episode where Stewie's school puts on a play making fun of her or something. I don't know. I didn't think it was the right thing, and even for kindergarteners to know that. I mean...anyone even remember that? If not, this episode will make you.


    Let's just say some of the recent Family Guy writers have gone down the rabbit hole of crap to make fun of anything that seemed insensitive to viewers. Even having teenagers throw out babies in dumpsters during their prom night. I'm not going to explain much on that, but viewers were not pleased with that one. Even having the baby swing its umbilical cord around with other babies and singing. 

  Now being 2022, Fox might pull the plug on Family Guy forever. Nobody knows if that will happen yet, but the look of it, I could tire less of the show and enjoy the original episodes that were not horrible but still passable. Family Guy is not as great as it used to be. They've jumped the shark by season 4 in my opinion, but there have been a few good episodes past then, especially in season 9 when they did an Agatha Christie knock off killing a few characters in the show. Now, all we have are the memories of a suburban family in Rhode Island, and their sick cutaways.