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Sunday, September 8, 2024

9/11 it still hurts


It still hurts,

23 years later,

and I feel,

no longer safe

Once stood two towers,

in New York City,


a hole,

full of darkness,

and memories

I was a junor,

in high school,

tv turned on,

our class,

the first to notice,

the towers,

on screen,

and in danger

screams and sadness,

people wondering,

why us,

as I just stared,

and another plane hits

People running for their lives,

as we,

watch in horror,

school ended,

after second period,

and hell,

happened in NYC,

not just there,

but America as well

I lost someone,

that I never met,

he was never found,

and we assumed,

he didn't survive,

23 years later,

the pain will never,

go away

for people that lost another,

in this tragedy,

it still stays with them,

until they meet,

the ones,

they lost,


what happened,

when the towers fell

23 years later,

it still hurts,

brand new holiday created,

but for a tragic event,

not only did we lose many people,

we also lost



and safety

We are stronger than ever,

even now,

although we've been through much,

this is part of history,

that never be erased,

a nightmare,

that stays,

every year,

and now... all we can do,


never forget,

that tragic day

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