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Saturday, January 21, 2017

Voice- Poem

I know what I want to say

I don't want to be stopped

My voiced shall be heard

From all of the rooftops

There is a change in this world

I know it

and so do you

It is sad

but also speaks volumes of truth

We are woman

We have a voice

We want what we desire

We need to have a choice

To be free from the hell that we are in

We don't blame but we will




Until we get our words out.

I am that one,

that will not stand by

and pray for it all to end

as long as I do something

I also stand

For freedom

Woman's rights

For what we need

A fair fight
Image result for women's march
Out on the streets,

We march in protest,

We want our voices to be heard

We want change to come,

Now not later.

We want peace,

Not Violence,

No more hell

or silence,

Our voices will roar,

like the lion that is,

our words will pour

into the streets,

and everyone will listen.

If Martin Luther King Jr. were around today?

How would he feel,

Would he stand beside us to pray?

We need to find a way

To show we are not scared,

and are ready,

to say what we need to say

And I know,

Deep down,

Today is that day
Image result for women's march 2017

(For Woman's March 2017)

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