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Monday, January 9, 2017

Julia Child and Julie Powell

  These two wonderful women never knew each other but one was very famous for French cooking and the other challenged herself with a blog saying that she would spend a whole year trying out all of Julia Child's recipes.

  But it was more than that.

Julia Child portrait by ©Lynn Gilbert, 1978.jpg

Julia Child was an amazement to the world of French Cooking but it took forever for her to get into that.
   She studied, went to culinary school, lived in France and tried to publish a French cookbook. Had many doubts in her life.

   But she stuck it out as best as she could with the support of her loving husband and he suggested to her, after a failed attempt with a cookbook, try to go on TV and make so many amazing recipes. And she did. Calling it... The French Chef

    Happily to her, someone else loved her cookbook and decided to publish it. She still will be in our thoughts, and memories and parodied by Dan Akroyed on SNL. She passed away at 91 and her memory of cooking will never die.

Image result for Julie Powell
  Julie Powell was a woman who tried hard to succeed in life. Sadly, after 9/11, she tried to help others who lost love ones in the two towers (like I did) and soon thought it would be great to follow in Julia Child's footsteps.
How? To blog... She called it: Julie & Julia 365 days, 542 recipes 1 tiny apartment kitchen

She started around the new year. Had a husband that helped her. She did the best she could following every step Julia Child did, hoping the blog would be any help or comfort, getting any results from her fans, sadly no results.

   Soon, she got what she needed. Mastering the art of French Cooking editor went on her blog and decided to try her meal and wrote an article. Everyone soon wanted to interview her. However, Julia Child was not pleased or so it seemed.

   At the end, she got her results and published a book. And it became a movie staring the great Meryl Streep as Julia Child and Amy Adams as Julie Powell.

    I enjoyed the flick. They were very accurate on how they portrayed each part. Sadly it came out after Julia Child passed away. The movie was dedicated in her honor and Meryl Streep wasn't as tall as Julia Child was but she tried her hardest staying in character and, she was amazing as the part.

   And Amy can be anyone she is willing to be.
Image result for julie & julia

We call have a special spark. Whether it is acting or cooking. In the kitchen or on stage. Julia Child was great in the kitchen and Julie Powell challenged herself to be great as a writer and a chef.  It seems. We haven't heard from her in a long time but it seems she is still out there, somewhere cooking and blogging, but not doing anything extreme. Till then, I won't do anything crazy, but I can cook and blog.
    For me, I love to cook and I love to write and those passions will stay with me forever.

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