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Friday, November 25, 2016

Are family traditions meaningless?

   Yesterday was Thanksgiving and so many people ate dinner, and watched football or the parade or the dog show (a greyhound won this year)

    Sometimes, traditions can mean more than that. It can mean being with family and spending a lot of time together.
   Traditions are different with family, from cultures or tv shows, sometimes it can be as simple as one person celebrating by themselves.

Image result for thanksgiving traditions   Our traditions in Thanksgiving are very different. For some families, they would go visit their spouse or go to a restaurant and eat a turkey, but we, every single year, we are doing the turkey, the stuffing, the green beans, mashed potatoes and carrots.

    We get up early and I used to get hyped up watching the 'what they used to be called Boscov's' but now called Dunkin Donuts Thanksgiving Day Parade in Philly. My cousins and the three boys go there and have fun.
   This year wasn't much of  an amazing show. They had been around for 97 years.
Image result for dunkin donuts parade

   We used to eat late at night around five or six o'clock but ever since my late aunt passed away, we've been eating a little earlier and we like it.
  Some people don't mind eating early so they can digest their food and maybe later have some pie. We are big pie people in the family. I don't like pie. I'd rather a nice slice of cake and this year, we did something different going to Longwood Gardens.
   It was enjoyable.
Image result for thanksgiving traditions  But as I was saying does it mean traditions are meaningless if they are changed? Do old traditions die out?
    No it doesn't mean that all. It just means there's something new to desire. A new tradition is born weather it's on Thanksgiving, Christmas or New Years.
      Our Traditions remain a tradition for a reason, to be with family, to be there for one another through hard times and knowing one day won't hurt if you spend it with the ones you really love.
    Traditions are never meaningless. And Christmas, I think they have a special meaning in all our hearts, even it has been becoming more commercial lately and closer as well.

    With Christmas inching around the corner, their traditions are the most special of them all and I'm not going to let any holiday commercials or 'Black Friday' psychos who love to shop right after they eat their turkey. For me family comes first. Holiday traditions will never die for me. Till then enjoy your family traditions no matter what Holiday it is.
Image result for christmas traditions
Ciao for now Bloggers

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