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Sunday, August 18, 2024

I love Lucy greatest episodes


  Lucielle Ball's birthday was this month, and to celebrate it, I want to talk about one of my favorite shows she was in.

   "I love Lucy" show. I didn't care for the other shows she was in. They were hit and miss...but this is where she struck gold. I won't remember many of the episode names, but here are my favorites.


   In the episode "Lucy does a TV commercial", Lucy who always wanted to be on Ricky's show gets a chance to be in a commercial to support a vitamin that makes you healthy. Or something like that. In this one, Lucy has to take a taste of the stuff. She has to do so many takes that she ends up getting drunk and slurring her words. LOL. It's one of the most memorable and funniest moments of this show.

   Lucy ends up spying on a jewel thief in "Great train robbery" episode. I vaguely remember this one, but Lucy eventually stops a robbery from happening after being caught up in the middle. Ricky and others think she's just imagining things. Eventually, she ends up in danger but saved by stopping the train. Pretty good episode. Wish I could remember it more.

  I forget the name of this episode, but this one featured Lucy pulling a mirror prank on one of the Marx brothers. I think Harpo. She dresses up as Harpo's double and does a mirror trick. It is pretty funny as it compares it to a Marx brother's movie Duck Soup and well.... it never gets old.

   Lucy always causes trouble for everyone. In "Lucy makes a movie", she and her friend Ethel decide to make an Italian movie. Antics happen as usual and well she and Ethel get into a situation they somewhat can't get out of. She ends up going to a vineyard to stomp grapes. Let's just say, her feet were not made for stomping. 

     In "job switch" Lucy and Ethel decide to take jobs working in a chocolate factory. Thinking they would eat all the chocolate in their job. However, the belt moves faster, and faster, and it moves so fast that Ethel and Lucy end up stealing some of the chocolate on the belt. They eat some of it, and stuff some in their pockets. This is considered one of the funniest moments of the show.

  It seems when it comes to food, Lucy can't get a break. When she bakes a bread loaf with Ethel, something happens that causes laughter and mayhem. I don't remember the episode. I think it might be called, "Lucy bakes a loaf." It seems she and Ethel made a huge mistake when it comes to mixing ingredients and well.... a huge, long loaf of bread comes out of the oven.

   This was taboo at the time, but this was one of the first tv shows to show a pregnant woman on tv. When Lucille Ball was pregnant with her real son, they had to place the pregnancy on the show. So, they made Lucy pregnant, and she has to tell her husband the surprise during his performance. He goes around the table asking couples if they were expecting, when he sees Lucy and she nods her head, he is in shock like everyone else.

  Sadly, Lucy and her husband are no longer with us. Her son and daughter, Lucie and Dezi Arnez Jr. are still alive today. They have been able to keep up with their parents lifestyle, although they had their struggles with divorce and money woes. Both of the children are still alive today and Lucie has written a memoir about her mother.

   The "I love Lucy." show is no longer on the air. However, you can see episodes of your favorite on streaming sites to YouTube. Catching every moment of every hilarity that captured this great show. You can't find good shows like that anymore. This is a time capsule of comedy at its finest. They might be gone, but we're still laughing at the reruns today.

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