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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Goodbye Summer-POEM


August is ending,

Autumn begins,

children sad,

the school day is in

The beach breeze 

we felt

on our skin

and sun that shines

in the sky

those days

are almost over

The leaves,

will start to fall,

change the color,

as a breeze,

of autumn arrives

The carinals,

theme parks,


will all fade away,

once the first leaf of autumn,

falls to the sky

kids are happy,

to go back,

not all,

but some,

teachers pray,

for a wonderful school year,

Some teachers pray,

for a drink,

to get through,

the year,

as others,


how long,

it will last

Autumn themed food,

has appeared,

pumpkin spice,

fills the air,


is leaving,

and we can't.

get it back,

for another year

August is at its end,

September is coming,

we must not fear,

the future,

of what is yet,

to come


Thanksgiving and then,

the big one,

Winter will be here,

but let's enjoy,

the end,

of another summer,

for it will be here,

next year,

and we'll be waiting for it

Thursday, August 22, 2024

What's a Gen Z?

         There are so many versions of a new generation after us. I am on the early stage of Millennial after the Generation X. But there is one generation that is somewhat.... mysterious to me. I'm not saying it's bad but.... will future generations become smarter than others are now?


Generation Z, or Gen Z for short, is hooked on social media stations. Like TikTok or Facebook, Snapchat and much more.

   Some of them become famous because of these sites. They would post videos, make blogs and believe that their generation is higher up than any other. I don't know if that's true but being more towards the end of the Gen X era.... I feel I'm out of the loop.

    Gen Zer's, like other Generations, have a trend of their own. How to make money when they become teens, following others on social media plats while Baby Boomers and Gen Xers have no idea what's going on.

  Some people born in the Millennial era might know what's going on, but they could be late to the party.

    Every Gen Zer wants to be a trend setter. Have their fifteen minutes of fame or more. Some even think they are the center of attention. Some even trying to become famous with a Tik Tok dance. I don't follow Tik Tok. I feel it's a waste of your life, and there will be something stronger that will obliterate Tik Tok as well as other streaming sites. 

    The Gen Z era ended in 2012. Now, there is a new Generation. Gen Alpha. I don't many people that are in this generation, besides my goddaughter, but I feel Gen Alpha is like a wannabe Gen Z. They might become smarter, and useful to technology which they might be raised with all their life. 

  Everyone's into technology now. I'm ashamed that I am one of them. People born around the Millennial era was the start of the technology empire. Even though for us it was slower. It became faster by the time Millennial generation ended.

    Now, Gen Z as well as Gen Alpha will become technologically in tuned with their gadgets as they become smaller and faster.

   Should we be afraid of future generations? If so.... why?  I don't fear Gen Zer's of Gen Alphas. They just might be more into technology and streaming sites as we are starting to get closer to a new way of life.

   Some people don't understand generations except their own and how far we have come and how smarter the future generation is. My parents are baby boomers as my brother, and I are Millennials. I don't understand what's going on half the time.

   I still use Face book and Instagram and YouTube. Other streaming sites...not so much, but it doesn't mean I'm aware of them. To future generations, we hope you find cures for the illness and not become famous for stupid reasons. Gen Zers and Alphas, you're our only hope to better our future. 

Sunday, August 18, 2024

I love Lucy greatest episodes


  Lucielle Ball's birthday was this month, and to celebrate it, I want to talk about one of my favorite shows she was in.

   "I love Lucy" show. I didn't care for the other shows she was in. They were hit and miss...but this is where she struck gold. I won't remember many of the episode names, but here are my favorites.


   In the episode "Lucy does a TV commercial", Lucy who always wanted to be on Ricky's show gets a chance to be in a commercial to support a vitamin that makes you healthy. Or something like that. In this one, Lucy has to take a taste of the stuff. She has to do so many takes that she ends up getting drunk and slurring her words. LOL. It's one of the most memorable and funniest moments of this show.

   Lucy ends up spying on a jewel thief in "Great train robbery" episode. I vaguely remember this one, but Lucy eventually stops a robbery from happening after being caught up in the middle. Ricky and others think she's just imagining things. Eventually, she ends up in danger but saved by stopping the train. Pretty good episode. Wish I could remember it more.

  I forget the name of this episode, but this one featured Lucy pulling a mirror prank on one of the Marx brothers. I think Harpo. She dresses up as Harpo's double and does a mirror trick. It is pretty funny as it compares it to a Marx brother's movie Duck Soup and well.... it never gets old.

   Lucy always causes trouble for everyone. In "Lucy makes a movie", she and her friend Ethel decide to make an Italian movie. Antics happen as usual and well she and Ethel get into a situation they somewhat can't get out of. She ends up going to a vineyard to stomp grapes. Let's just say, her feet were not made for stomping. 

     In "job switch" Lucy and Ethel decide to take jobs working in a chocolate factory. Thinking they would eat all the chocolate in their job. However, the belt moves faster, and faster, and it moves so fast that Ethel and Lucy end up stealing some of the chocolate on the belt. They eat some of it, and stuff some in their pockets. This is considered one of the funniest moments of the show.

  It seems when it comes to food, Lucy can't get a break. When she bakes a bread loaf with Ethel, something happens that causes laughter and mayhem. I don't remember the episode. I think it might be called, "Lucy bakes a loaf." It seems she and Ethel made a huge mistake when it comes to mixing ingredients and well.... a huge, long loaf of bread comes out of the oven.

   This was taboo at the time, but this was one of the first tv shows to show a pregnant woman on tv. When Lucille Ball was pregnant with her real son, they had to place the pregnancy on the show. So, they made Lucy pregnant, and she has to tell her husband the surprise during his performance. He goes around the table asking couples if they were expecting, when he sees Lucy and she nods her head, he is in shock like everyone else.

  Sadly, Lucy and her husband are no longer with us. Her son and daughter, Lucie and Dezi Arnez Jr. are still alive today. They have been able to keep up with their parents lifestyle, although they had their struggles with divorce and money woes. Both of the children are still alive today and Lucie has written a memoir about her mother.

   The "I love Lucy." show is no longer on the air. However, you can see episodes of your favorite on streaming sites to YouTube. Catching every moment of every hilarity that captured this great show. You can't find good shows like that anymore. This is a time capsule of comedy at its finest. They might be gone, but we're still laughing at the reruns today.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Steve Martin throughout the years


    Born Steven Glenn Martin, today he turns seventy-nine years old today. He has recently announced his retirement after "Only Murders in the Building" ends its series. Until then, let's talk about the amazing Steve Martin and his comedy throughout the years.

   Steve Martin was born on August 14th, 1945, and has become a pretty famous person with some of the movies that came out in the early to mid-seventies. Like: The Jerk, Muppet Movie, The Lonely Guy, Three Amigos and many more.

    He's even known for playing the banjo and still can today. 

   He even guest host SNL over 16 times and has performed on the banjo before. His comedy is considered funny that he would be soon teamed up with another comedian that because 'STEVE MARTIN SHORT.' LOL.

    It's true, it seems both Steve Martin and Martin Short became a duo of buds.

   Both actors are considered funny. They have been together since the 80's and still are today. They've even voiced certain characters like in "The Prince of Egypt" and many more movies. They recently both host SNL around the holiday season and they killed it.

   They both star in "Only Murders in the Building" with Selena Gomez. It's a great show and already on its fourth season. 

   Steve Martin's personal life was nothing like comedy. It was more.... a drama. He dated Bernedette Peters during the filming of 'The Jerk.' They broke up. He even dated Mary Tyler Moore and Karen Carpenter. Never worked out. He never became a father as well.

    He soon married Ann Stringfield. He didn't become a father till later in life when he gave birth to his daughter who is now twelve years old.

 I will always remember Steve Martin being portrayed as a father figure in movies like "Parenthood" and "Cheaper by the Dozen", but never was once a father until his fourth marriage. He says that being a father is the most rewarding thing that's ever happened to him.

    He even thinks of Selena Gomez as his 'tv daughter' once in a while. 

   Today, Steve Martin is 79 years old and close to retirement. His acting career is one of the most amazing talents I have witnessed. He makes me laugh when I feel depressed. Him, and a few other comedians.

   I wish him a happy birthday along with Hallie Berry and Marcia Gaye Harden. Steve Martin is a treasue and teaming him up with Martin Short....brilliant idea. 

Friday, August 9, 2024

Happy Anniversary, Mom & Dad- POEM


50 years,

of wedded bliss,

of being together,

of loving each other,

two people,

spending half their life,


and never regretting,

one minute, 

of it,

A married couple,

in love, 

and still,

in love,

my mother,

and father,

never once,


their decisions

50 years after,

'I do',

Children too,


stronger than ever,

fifty years,

of happiness

August 10th,

my parents,

got married,

and ten years later,

I arrived,

and their love,

stayed stronger

From the good times,

the bad,

the happy,

the sad,

when they're sick,

they heal,

and the better,

they soon feel,

They are still in love,

from the good times,

to the bad times,

to the times,

when they want,

to kill each other,

they always stay golden

The golden Anniversary is here,

and it shows,

through age,

they still,

stay strong,


an anniversary,

that will stay,


in all our hearts



50 years and going strong

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Back to school already? POEM



it can't be,

it truly isn't,

but it is,

it is....


So sad,

that it is coming,

most children and some adults fear,

back to school time,

is almost,


the dreaded yellow busses,

will soon appear,

for many,

can feel,


is slipping away

The dreaded,

pumpkin spice season,

is on its way,

for some,

a joy,

and to others,


back to school sales,

are everywhere,

in every store,

and on-line,

as you fear,

time passing by

It seems,

some are leaving already,

for their studies,

and academics,

college arrives,

before August ends

college dorms,

will be filled,

with active learners,

and parties as well,

while young children,

find out,

what they need,

before the bus arrives

Everyone feels this way,

I did,

my mom did,

and now,

the future is feeling,

how I felt,

long ago,

School is coming back,

are you ready