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Monday, December 26, 2016

Gone too soon, but not forgotten

  It seems there has been a black cloud over 2016 lately. We had to suffer through hell and s*it with god knows what and now...

Another Celebrity is gone too soon at the age of 53. His name is George Michael.
Image result for George Michael   He used to be a huge star with Wham in the 1980s bringing out hits such as "Last Christmas" (although I prefer Train's version) "Wake me up Before you Go-Go" 

  He came out gay in the 90's but I already knew about his sexuality and I think almost everyone else did too. When he went on his own, he made amazing hits like "Faith", "Father Figure" "One more Try" and with Aretha Franklin performed "I knew you were trying"
Image result for George MichaelSadly, he was doing many drugs from 2006 to 2010, did some charity work and even released an album for Princess Di on the day of her death.

   So many people were shocked to hear about his sudden death of heart failure at 53 and on Christmas day as well and it struck me, we have lost so many celebrities this year than any other. More than last year.

  Like Prince, and David Bowie and the man who gave us the Oscar Mayer jingle for hot dogs.

   Bernard Fox lived to be 89 until his heart gave out. Alan Thicke from Growing Pains died suddenly from and Aortic Burst at 69. Gene Wilder, the wonderful Willie Wonka passed away from Alzheimer's '
A black-and-white photo of Wilder smiling Alan Rickman and David Bowie both had cancer, Muhammad Ali died of Septic shock at 74. All sad, tragedies that took beloved actors young and old. Even Florence Henderson from Brady Bunch as people would call her TV mom, gone.

  I pray for next year to be better but I know it won't. Carrie Fisher, AKA Princess Leah, just praying, survived a massive heart attack and is now recuperating in a hospital in LA. I hope it doesn't end with her leaving us.

   2016 gave us great moments as well, mostly with movies, tv shows and books but even the summer Olympics
            We can't judge what happened this year by the deaths of so many celebrities but you know what happens this year will happen again next year. Till then, remember whom we have lost and what happened isn't all tragedy.
       We will miss 2016 for the best times and the worst times. And 2017, we'll try to take with a grain of salt.
Image result for goodbye 2016 welcome 2017
Will blog next year. Have a safe and happy new year.

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