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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Little Rascal Movie


    It has been about 30 years since the "Little Rascals Movie" came out. What Do I think about this movie in particular? What has changed about this movie? Is it the acting, the story the overuse of celebrities? Well, I don't know what it is, but thirty years have passed, and I still enjoy this movie.

   Little Rascals were based on a tv show from the thirties that had characters like Alfalfa, Spanky, Porky, Froggy, Darla and many more. They would get into all sorts of mischief and well.... sometimes they would end up saving the day or something like that. I don't remember. These shows were out when my grandma was a high schooler. 

    Most of the cast members are pretty much dead, some even murdered. But for some reason, sixty years later, it inspiered a movie to come out of it.

Travis Tedford "Spanky"- Spanky was the leader of the club he and the rascals were in. In the movie, their goal was to win to go cart derby so they can rebuild a clubhouse after a fire. Now.... Travis Tedford is in his mid-thirties and stayed out of the acting light. Happily, he has a family and a few pets, but he'll always be Spanky to me.

Brandon Bug Hall "Alfalfa"- Alfalfa was considered a lover not a fighter. Is in love with the main girl and tries to keep his love a secret. It doesn't work and his girl is gone. His friendship is destroyed and the only way to get back.... is to apologize to Spanky. Bug Hall still acted after Little Rascals ended. However, he ended up in trouble as well. Happily, he's doing ok now and not acting as much as he used to.

Britney Ashton Holmes "Darla" - Alfalfa's love interest. She soon falls in love with another guy who is richer and handsomer. She even wonders why boys are the way they are. Frankly, I was nine years old when this movie came out and well.... looking at these actors now, it's amazing how much time has flown by. Britney is no longer acting as well. She has a normal life with her family. But did go to the reunion ten years ago.

  There are other characters that were in the gang as well that have all grown up. And the dog, I think it's safe to say is dead. They all came back for a twenty-year reunion ten years ago and many of them talked about how much fun they had playing kids from the 1930s. One person did not make it however. One of the bullies did not come to the reunion and not much has been heard about him since.

Blake McIver Ewing "Waldo"- the antagonist of the film, Waldo makes Darla fall for him and his father.... I'm not going to say his name, but let's just say.... he was rich and leave it at that. The actor Blake McIver Ewing had been acting before the movie and acted after. He's considered a nice person in real life, unless he has to play a statistic billionaire. He was also in full house during the movie as well.

  Like I said, this move is very known for its celebrity guest spots. Darla has two friends at her sleep over played by the Olsen Twins (Mary Kate and Ashley), Buckwheat's mother is played by Whoppi Goldberg. The dance instructor of Darla's school is played by Lea Thompson, Reba Macentire is a former race car driver that Spanky had no idea was a woman. Mel Brooks, George Wendt...the list goes on. 

  Today, all these kid actors have grown up and went on to do better things. Some have made choices they regret, and some have vanished without being seen in the spotlight. I'll still remember then when they were kids having a club house, building a friendship, making enemies, riding race cars. This movie was one of my favorites, and it still is thirty years later.

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