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Monday, March 23, 2020

Are we near the apocalypse

  This world is already doomed. We have seen hell, and yet we wonder... Is this the end??

Image result for apocalypse With everyone sealed in their homes, it seems that there is no answer anymore. We don't know how long this virus will last.

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It feels as if the apocalypse is upon us. What is an apocalypse? The end of the world. People predicted a disease will wipe out our whole world. Like the black plague, tornados, smallpox. Anything will kill us, and we need to be prepared for it.

Image result for end of the world It feels as if a virus that started around Asia will wipe us all out of the earth.

Like the song by R.E.M: "it's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine." But do I really feel fine? I doubt it.

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A lot of people predicted the end of the world. Some would make their own predictions. We were supposed to have one on 12/21/12, but NOTHING!

 So is 2020 the last year we will be alive? For some, yes...but everyone??

God only knows. I feel we are dealing with a plague that will not only kill thousands of people, but almost doom the planet. Every country is infected. Mostly the USA. We are forced to stay home and only get the bare essentcials.

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So....is this it, how the world ends? Does it mean this plague will kill us all? Nobody can work, shows have been postponed or cancelled indefinitely.

Enjoy your last days while you can...enjoy every minute...spend it with your loved ones and remember...

even if the world is coming to an end....a new world will soon emerge

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