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Monday, June 11, 2018

colorful ribbons

You've seen them being warn by many people. Orange, red, yellow, blue.... any color. How did it all start though?

Image result for color ribbons


                                       With all the colors, we want to know, what are they for?

They are awareness ribbons. Used to help remember someone that we loved, go to heaven. Such as:

Death from:

But they're not all bad.  Most of them are very helpful, in getting rid of the diseases that it has caused.
      For purple, it is Alzheimer's
      Pink would be for breast cancer
      Dark blue colon cancer
      Red AIDS awareness
      Pearl for Lung Cancer

the list goes on.

   Other ribbons like the one with different colors, well that's autism. It has puzzle pieces in it as well.

Other ribbons are used for US Troops which is light yellow, and some of them... well they all have a different purpose.

I see people wearing them a lot and for them, it attributes if they fighting for it, or lost someone because of it.

Image result for awareness ribbons


  They are also used for survivors, like me, being a stroke survivor, I would have a darker red, than the AIDS ribbon, different ribbons, different awareness

I've lost family members to a stroke, cancer, even Alzheimer's.

The most popular one is breast. Pink and worn many times.... deadly it can be if not cured.

  Others have walks for: breast, colon, and other kind of cancers. They would sell lemonade to childhood cancer.

 How did the ribbon start??? Some say it was from one woman, who lost her sister to breast. She would even start walks that was dedicated into her sister's memory.

  But it started earlier than that. In the 1970's when solders were lost in battle. They would tie yellow ribbons around trees, praying for the soldiers to come home.

Image result for ribbons on trees

                     yellow ribbon can have many meanings. To bring the solder home, to suicide awareness.

These ribbons are in our memories for a reason.

Not just be aware, but to remember.

(In closing, there have been any suicide deaths lately from celebrities. If you are suffering from it, there are things to do. Call a number for the suicide awareness hotline as well as knowing, you're not alone. Till then, there's a better way to solve the sadness you are facing. There is also a website to help if needed.)

Remember every ribbon has a story, and to help fight cancer, suicide, illness and even AIDS, one ribbon helps. I am a survivor...

Image result for i am a survivor gif

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