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Saturday, February 11, 2017

Not that there's anything wrong with that

    This episode involves Jerry 'coming out' or so he, in the newspaper, thinks. But this brings out the greatest catchphrase: "Not that there's anything wrong with that" which brings out that it's ok to be gay.
Image result for not that there's anything wrong with that seinfeld
   A woman from a newspaper that is interviewing for a New York news paper thinks George and Jerry are both homosexuals. She was ease dropping on Jerry's conversation at the coffee shop and Elaine brought it out.

   However, because of a bad birthday gift Kramer gave a two way line phone and she heard a conversation that she wasn't supposed to hear.
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   What's worse was, when it came to paper, George's mother read it and ended up in the hospital.
It seemed 'Seinfeld' was getting away with a lot in their forth season, and this was one of them along with another episode which involved George 'you know what' that caused his mother going to the hospital because of it.

   But Seinfeld gave us a lot of amazing catchphrases that will stay with us for ages even if it has been off the air since 1998.

 Such as:
* They're real and they're spectacular
* Shrinkage/I was in the pool
* These pretzels are making me thirsty
* Serenity Now!
* Maybe the dingo ate your baby
and so many wonderful quotes.

  But this one is one that is tattooed on our brains for a reason. Because we don't who we are, when it's love that matters most. Seinfeld taught us that. I respect people by who they are deep down. If they have a different race, gender, sex life, it doesn't matter. As long as we treat them as a human being, that's what matters most.
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Seinfeld maybe gone, but the repeats will stay in our mind and we know we can take what we have learned from the stupidity of the characters and remember that "we are only human, and we make mistakes, and just because we make mistakes doesn't mean we are trying to better ourselves everyday."

    I have many friends that have opened up about their relationships and I'm happy for them. For me, I'm happy for who I am. And for anyone who is gay or a lesbian, there is nothing wrong with that indeed. Thank you, Seinfeld. Ciao Bloggers!

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